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Information Disclosure Based on TNFD Recommendations

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

Based on our Basic Philosophy and Guidelines for Environmental Action, the Hitachi High-Tech Group aims to achieve the long-term environmental targets shared by the entire Hitachi Group in the Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050 and to resolve the materiality of the Hitachi High-Tech Group. Therefore, we aim to “realize a decarbonized society,” “realize a recycling-oriented society,” and “realize a society in harmony with nature.”

Although there is a growing sense of urgency worldwide regarding natural capital, including biodiversity, our business activities benefit from natural capital (ecosystem services) and have some impact on the environment. As the degradation of natural capital escalates, the possibility of increased risk in the Group's value chain rises. On the other hand, contributing to nature positivity through our business activities will lead to sustainable growth, so the Group is also strengthening its efforts to address natural capital.

Therefore, the Hitachi High-Tech Group endorses the principles of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)* and joined the TNFD Forum in April 2024, and will now disclose information based on the TNFD disclosure framework.
This report is prepared with reference to the latest TNFD recommendations, Version 1.0, released in September 2023.

* What is the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)?

It refers to the so-named organization and to the framework that it provides for companies and organizations to disclose information and take action on how changes in the natural environment and biodiversity affect their business performance. Disclosure using the framework is intended to help shift global financial flows from nature-negative to nature-positive outcomes.

The information disclosed on the website is a digest. For details, please refer to the TNFD Report (PDF format, 1.50 MB).

General Requirements (Hitachi High-Tech Group's Relationship with Nature)

Prior to the disclosure, we will explain the relevance of the TNFD to the Group's materiality, the scope of this disclosure and the locations with nature-related issues.


The Hitachi High-Tech Group has a system of environmental management promotion for the purpose of strengthening our environmental management and promoting effective environmental activities. This page describes the specific structure and process for addressing materiality and nature-related issues in our strategy.
We also explain the Group's human rights policy and stakeholder engagement based on that policy.


Regarding direct operations and the main suppliers in the Group's value chain, the results of the assessment of risks and opportunities identified in the LEAP approach as well as the identified priority locations and nature-related opportunities in our business activities are presented.

Risk and Impact Management

This section explains the Group's risk management process and management structure.

Metrics and Targets

In the Hitachi High-Tech Group, we manage our efforts with metrics and targets which are defined in the Environmental Action Plan and updated every three years. These are aligned with the Environmental Vision and the long-term environmental targets in the Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050.
Additionally, regarding metrics and targets on climate-related and nature-related risks and opportunities, we measure and manage through our Environmental Action Plan, which is updated every three years.