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  5. The first Science Outreach Lesson on Disaster Prevention was held at a Junior High School in Aichi

The first Science Outreach Lesson on Disaster Prevention was held at a Junior High School in Aichi

TOKAI Junior High School, Aichi prefecture

On December 26th, Hitachi High-Tech, in collaboration with Nagoya Municipal Minato Disaster Prevention Center, conducted its first outreach lesson on disaster prevention for 24 first- and second-year students from the private Tokai Junior High School in Aichi Prefecture.

After explaining disasters caused by soil using electron microscope images, we conducted a comparative experiment using clay and water to demonstrate factors that cause landslides, and performed remote observations of actual soil samples using an electron microscope.
The feedback from students included comments such as, “It was fascinating to learn about the connection between disaster prevention and soil,” and “The electron microscope was amazing.” Teachers also remarked, “I think it provided a memorable and stimulating experience for the students,” and “The opportunity to operate the equipment themselves was very meaningful.”

Hitachi High-Tech will continue to develop new activities focused on societal issues using our products, and will provide more opportunities for students to experience science and technology.

Students are diligently mixing water into the clay
Students are diligently mixing water into the clay

Observing the microscopic structure of soil through remote operation
Observing the microscopic structure of soil through remote operation

A mini exhibition of soil was held in the classroom
A mini exhibition of soil was held in the classroom