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  5. Remote Outreach Class had been held for Iwama Daini Elementary School in Ibaraki Prefecture

Remote Outreach Class had been held for Iwama Daini Elementary School in Ibaraki Prefecture

Iwama Daini Elementary School, Ibaraki Prefecture

On January 18th, a remote science outreach class was conducted for 35 fifth- and sixth-graders at Iwama Daini Elementary School in Kasama, Ibaraki Prefecture.

During the class, we performed an experiment using two types of yogurt. The goal was for the children to enjoy shaking the yogurt containers and comparing the results. The differences between the two types of yogurt were clearly visible when the lids were removed, and the children responded with delight as they checked each other’s containers. Afterwards, the children viewed images from the electron microscope while we explained why yogurt does not stick to that type of lid. They also had the opportunity to operate the electron microscope themselves.
Feedback from the students included comments such as, “I hadn’t realized before that notebooks were made from scraps of wood,” and “I want to learn more about electron microscopes.” Additionally, teachers commented that “It was a lesson that an elementary school would never be able to provide.”

Going forward, Hitachi High-Tech will continue to conduct various activities to support science education using our proprietary products and technologies.

We held a remote science lesson
We held a remote science lesson

Children focused on using the electron microscope
Children focused on using the electron microscope

Checking whether yogurt has stuck to the lid
Checking whether yogurt has stuck to the lid