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  4. High Performance Liquid Chromatographs (HPLC) / Amino Acid Analyzers (AAA)
  5. HPLC Control software

HPLC Control Software

Hitachi HPLC systems can be controlled by a wide variety of chromatography data systems. Hitachi's partnerships with both Agilent and Waters allows our customers to choose from many chromatography applications, including OpenLAB and Empower.

ChromAssist Data Station

Chromatography Data Station ChromAssist Data Station

Highly rated, highly reliable Hitachi HPLC Chromaster series. The ChromAssist Data Station is a “Chromatography Data System (CDS)” for centrally managing Chromaster series modules.

HPLC System Manager Chromaster System Manager

HPLC System Manager Chromaster System Manager

The Chromaster System Manager continues with the ease of use of the D-2000 Elite which has long, rave reputations.
User-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) assists the intuitive operation of the Chromaster modules.

HPLC Chromaster Driver for WatersR EmpowerTM3 Software

HPLC Chromaster Driver for Waters® Empower™3 Software

Drivers (controllers) for the Chromaster, Hitachi's high-speed liquid chromatograph. The Chromaster can be used with Waters® Empower™3 chromatographic data station software.