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地區/語言地區/語言 聯絡我們聯絡我們
  1. 首頁
  2. 個人資料保護
  3. 個人資料保護事宜



Hitachi High-Tech Corporation(以下稱「本公司」)的企業願景是「簡化先端科技流程」。






  1. 個人資料之蒐集、處理及利用及禁止目的外利用
  2. 遵循法令・規範
  3. 安全對策的實施及改善
  4. 尊重當事人及其個人資料相關的權利
  5. 制定個人資料管理規則及持續改善


  1. 本公司僅於達成以下各款目的之必要範圍內,使用個人資料。此外,本公司請您提供個人資料時,會事前清楚說明使用目的,並取得您的同意。
    1. 履行客戶與本公司簽訂之契約
    2. 與客戶協商、洽談時的聯絡
    3. 提供產品的售後服務
    4. 寄送活動資訊及新商品
    5. 提供各種會員服務
    6. 股票相關事務
    7. 回應各種詢問
    8. 以問卷為基礎,為提升產品及服務所做的分析
    9. 本公司與集團公司共同進行事業活動時,將個人資料提供給該集團公司
    10. 寄送客戶訂購的產品
  2. 本公司未取得您的事前同意,不會將您的個人資料提供給第三人。但符合以下各款時除外。
    1. 根據法令時
    2. 為保護人的生命、身體或財產所必須,但難以取得您的同意時
    3. 為提升公共衛生、促進兒童健全成長而有特別需要,但難以取得您的同意時
    4. 必須協助中央政府機關、地方公共團體或其委託者進行法令規定之事務,但取得您的同意會妨礙公務或有妨礙之虞時
    5. 在達成使用目的所必須的範圍內,受委託處理個人資料時
    6. 因合併或其他事由,事業移轉後提供的個人資料
  3. 本公司與Hitachi, Ltd. 及其關係企業(Hitachi, Ltd. 持有其總發行股數20%以上之公司)、負責銷售本公司產品之代理商或供應商、本公司委託業務等之第三人(以下稱合作夥伴),共同進行事業活動時,可能將必要之姓名、工作地點及地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件信箱等個人資料,提供給合作夥伴,此時將以紙本或電子資料的方式提供。此外,您可要求本公司停止將個人資料提供給合作夥伴。


  1. 本公司對於特定個人資料,遵守日本相關法律:「行政程序中用以識別特定個人的編號利用等法律」(以下稱「編號法」)、「個人資料保護法律」及「特定個人資料適切使用準則(業者編)」及台灣個人資料保護法之規定。
  2. 本公司將本公司之「個人資料保護方針」,作為「特定個人資料適當使用基本方針」,確保特定個人資料適當地使用。
  3. 本公司將編號法第9條各款規定之社會保障、稅金及災害對策行政事務程序的履行,作為特定個人資料的使用範圍,在達成目的的必要限度內,取得及使用特定個人資料。
    1. 本公司取得員工等提供之特定個人資料,將之記載於薪資所得及退職所得扣繳稅單、薪資給付報告書、雇用保險申報、健康保險及厚生年金保險被保險人資格取得申請、根據勞工災害補償保險法而提出申請等各種法定報告的必要文件上,提報給稅務署長、市區町村長、日本年金機構等之事務
    2. 本公司取得特定個人資料之提供,將之記載於報酬及費用等給付報告、股利、盈餘分配及基金利息給付報告、不動產使用費等給付報告、讓受不動產等對價給付報告等各種給付報告上,提報給稅務署長之事務
    3. 本公司履行行政機關等或其他業者委託使用特定個人資料事務之業務
  4. 對於特定個人資料,本公司除法令等有規定外,不將當事人之特定個人資料提供給第三人。亦不共同利用。但符合編號法第19條(提供特定個人資料之限制)規定之任一款時,可能提供特定個人資料。
  5. 本公司可能在法令等規定之使用目的範圍內,委託使用特定個人資料。
  6. 對於本公司持有之特定個人資料,若要求揭露、訂正、追加、刪除、停止使用、停止提供給第三人、或通知使用目的時,或有客訴提出時,依照本公司「要求個人資料揭露等或客訴受理事宜」的規定。

關於Cookies及Web Beacons的使用

為了讓您能更方便地使用本公司的網站,本公司的網站使用了Cookies*1及Web Beacons*2
您得更改網路瀏覽器的設定而拒絕接受Cookie,或於接受Cookie時,顯示警告。詳情請參閱您使用的瀏覽器的說明。此外,您可透過拒絕接受Cookies而拒絕Web Beacons。


(1) Cookies


(2) Web beacons




  1. 如您欲請求揭露對本公司營業負責部門所提供的個人資料時,請與該部門聯絡。
  2. 如您欲請求揭露對本公司網頁所提供的個人資料時,請與負責管理該頁面的部門聯絡。
  3. 請求揭露上述1.及2.以外的個人資料時,請參考「要求揭露等相關詳細事宜」。
  4. 本公司個人資料之使用處理相關之客訴,請參考以下「個人資料使用相關客訴申請書」(PDF檔),紀錄相關事項並寄至以下聯絡地址,或使用「詢問表格」諮詢。


電話號碼: 03-3504-7089
FAX號碼: 03-3504-5147
Hitachi High-Tech Corporation法務部


  1. 本公司提供之服務,多半不需要您的個人資料即可使用。但仍有部分服務若您未提供個人資料即無法使用,敬請了解。
  2. 從本公司網站連結至本公司以外之網站,其個人資料安全性之確保,本公司概不負責,敬請了解。
  3. 您於本公司網站輸入個人資料時,以同意此項「個人資料保護事宜」為前提。若不同意此項「個人資料保護事宜」,可能無法使用本公司提供之服務(包括洽詢等事宜)。

Privacy notice for individual customers in the EEA

For customers located in the European Economic Area (EEA):

HHT implements measures to safeguard personal data (as used here, "personal data" shall have the same definition as "personal information" as defined under "Definition of Personal Information" above) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Provided below are HHT’s methods of controlling personal data and your privacy rights.

I. About HHT

See "Request to Disclose Personal Information and Accepting Complaints" above for information on contacting HHT. HHT’s representative in the EEA is as follows:

Hitachi High-Tech Europe GmbH
[Physical Address: Europark Fichtenhain A12, 47807 Krefeld, Germany]

II. Purposes and legal basis of HHT’s processing of personal data

Specified below are the anticipated purposes of use of personal data concerning customers and the legal basis thereof.

Purpose/action Legal basis (including details of legitimate interests)
Performance of contracts concluded between customers and HHT Contractual performance
Communications related to business discussions and meetings with customers Legitimate interest (business deployment and development)
Provision of after-sales service for products Legitimate interest (provision of services to HHT customers)
Sending information on events and new products Legitimate interest (provision of information on products and services and business deployment and development)
Provision of various membership-based services Legitimate interest (provision of services to HHT customers)
Stock administration Legitimate interest (business operations)
Responding to various inquiries Legitimate interest (provision of information on products and services and business operations)
Questionnaire-based analysis intended to improve products and services Legitimate interest (market research, improving products and services, and business deployment and development)
Sending products ordered by customers Legitimate interest (provision of products and services to HHT customers)
Performance of obligations under laws and regulations other than EU law or the domestic laws of EEA member states, such as responding to orders by a court of law to submit documents or questions from employees of tax agencies and similar parties or answering inquiries concerning matters related to investigations Legitimate interest (compliance with obligations under laws and regulations of countries outside the EEA countries)

III. Categories of personal data recipients

HHT may share personal data concerning customers with the third parties identified under "Purpose of Using Personal Information and Provision to Third Parties" above for the purposes listed under II above. HHT demands such third parties to safeguard the security of personal data concerning customers and to handle such data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

IV. Transfer of personal data outside the EEA

If a company within the EEA in which HHT holds more than 50% of voting rights transfers personal data concerning customers outside the EEA, HHT shall take measures to ensure that the data is protected to the same extent as in the EEA. HTT will ensure this objective through the following and other measures:

  • Transfer to countries recognized by the European Commission to provide adequate levels of personal data protection
  • Use of specific contracts, approved by the European Commission, on personal data protection of extent equivalent to that in Europe
  • Transfer based on Privacy Shield if the recipient is located within the United States and participates in the Privacy Shield program (which requires provision of protection of extent equivalent to that in the EEA to personal data shared between Europe and the US)

If you provide your own personal data directly to HHT in Japan or an HHT subsidiary (i.e., a company in which HHT holds more than 50% of voting rights) located outside the EEA, your personal data will be handled in accordance with the personal information safeguards established in this Policy. However, note that Japan and other countries outside the EEA have different laws and protection levels for personal information and that the safeguards thereby provided may fall short of personal information safeguards deemed adequate by the European Commission and the European Union.

V. Retention period for personal data

HHT retains personal data concerning customers to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use of such data.
To determine appropriate retention periods for personal data concerning customers, HHT considers the volume of personal data, nature, sensitivity, potential risks of unauthorized use or disclosure, purpose(s) of use, whether other means may exist to achieve the purpose(s) of use, and applicable legal requirements.
In some cases involving research or statistical purposes, HHT may anonymize personal data concerning customers to render it impossible to connect it to the individuals concerned. In such cases, HHT may use such anonymized information for any length of time without notifying you.

VI. Legal rights

Generally, you have the following rights concerning your personal data:

  • The right to demand access to your personal data
  • The right to demand correction of your personal data
  • The right to demand deletion of your personal data
  • The right to demand restrictions on the processing of your personal data
  • The right to file objections to the processing of your personal data
  • The right to demand transfer of your personal data (data portability)
  • The right to withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data

Contact HHT if you wish to exercise any of the above rights.

As a security measure to ensure that personal data are not disclosed to parties who lack the right to receive them, HHT may demand the provision of specific information as necessary to confirm your identity. To expedite our response, HHT may ask you to provide further information related to your exercise of the above rights.

HHT will strive to respond within one month to the exercise of legitimately grounded rights. However, in certain cases, it may take longer than one month to respond. Such cases may involve the particularly complex exercise of rights or the exercise of a large number of rights. We will notify you in such cases and keep you updated on the progress of our response.

You have the right to file complaints with data protection authorities at any time. However, we ask that you contact HHT first before contacting the authorities and to provide us an opportunity to respond to your concerns.

VII. When personal data are not provided

If HHT needs to obtain personal data pursuant to laws and regulations or pursuant to the provisions of contracts concluded between HHT and customers but such personal data is not provided, HHT may be unable to fulfill contracts concluded with customers or contracts HHT intends to conclude with customers.

VIII. Usage of Cookies and Web Beacons

See "Usage of Cookies and Web Beacons" concerning use of cookies and web beacons.


  1. 為改善個人資料的使用、或法令及其他規範制定及修訂,本公司將可能修訂此「個人資料保護事宜」。
  2. 此「個人資料保護事宜」於刊載日(包括更新日)以後適用。
  3. 各服務內容若有個別規定個人資料保護事宜時,以該規定為優先。


