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Hitachi High-Tech
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Hitachi High-Tech is based on the Environmental Vision of the Hitachi Group and its long-term environmental targets, Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050. We are promoting environmental management across the entire Group on that basis in order to realize a decarbonized society, a resource efficient society, and a harmonized society with nature.

Basic Approach to Environmental Management

Basic Approach to Environmental Management

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Guidelines for Environmental Action / Environment Promotion Organization

Guidelines for Environmental Action / Environment Promotion Organization

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Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations

Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations

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Providing Environmentally Conscious Products

Providing Environmentally Conscious Products

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Biodiversity Conservation Activities

Biodiversity Conservation Activities

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Climate Change Countermeasures

Climate Change Countermeasures

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Recycling of Resources

Summary of Recycling of Resources

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Efforts to Conserve Water Resources

Efforts to Conserve Water Resources

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Prevention of Pollution

Prevention of Pollution

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Summary of FY2022 Environmental Activities and Environmental Action Plan for FY2022-2024

Summary of FY2021 Environmental Activities and Environmental Action Plan for FY2022-2024

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Environmental Education

Environmental Education

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