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  6. HPLC/AAA Software Options

HPLC/AAA Software Options

HPLC software

Hitachi’s philosophy regarding software is to let customers choose what is best for their lab. Hitachi HPLC systems are compatible with these fine software packages, available from Hitachi.



Through collaboration between Hitachi High Technologies and Waters Corporation, you can enjoy the powerful software capabilities of Empower and the industry-leading performance and value of Hitachi's liquid chromatography systems.

Empower software’s powerful features make it easy to focus on running samples and producing meaningful results. The improved flexible interface is designed to maximize your productivity, improving how you collect, process, and print chromatography data.


Usability.Empower software provides all the functionality your laboratory staff needs to efficiently work with chromatography data.
Versatility. Empower software lets you acquire and control data with different instrumentation including HPLC, U-HPLC, and GC, from a wide range of vendors.
Compliance. Empower provides a simple yet comprehensive interface for managing laboratory regulatory compliance.
Scalability.Both flexible and scalable, Empower software makes the most of your lab performance allowing you to configure an appropriate solution for your lab’s needs.
Hitachi LC Control.Both the Hitachi 5000 and 2000 series HPLC systems are supported by the Empower software in one fully-integrated package.

OpenLAB®CDS EZChrom™Edition (OLEE)

OpenLAB serves as a chromatography system manager that facilitates the use of Hitachi HPLC and Amino Acid Analyzer (AAA) systems as well as many other manufacturers' analytical equipment. Working in the Windows® 7 environment, OpenLAB provides a client/server system for total user, instrument and project management. Using OpenLAB, administrators can have full control of both data and user security, facilitating compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11. OpenLAB can also be used in a standalone environment without networking.

Hitachi Primaide HPLC System Manager

The Primaide software is a high-value chromatography data system for the 1000 series HPLC system. While easy to use with its simple user interface, full control of the Diode Array Detector with 3-D data processing is standard. It also provides 2-peak deconvolution functionality for mathematically separating two overlapping peaks for effective qualitative and quantitative analysis. Flexible report layouts and automated data exporting to spreadsheets are also supported.

Other Data Systems Compatible with Hitachi HPLC

Analyst® Chromeleon® ChromSword® Clarity® HyStar™

* Empower™ is a trademark of Waters Corporation. EZChrom Elite™ and OpenLAB® are registered trademarks of Agilent Technologies, Inc. Windows® is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Analyst® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies. Chromeleon is a registered trademark of Dionex Corporation. Clarity® is a registered trademark of DataApex. HyStar™ is a trademark of Bruker Biospin. ChromSword is a registered trademark of ChromSword.

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