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Services (Analytial Systems)

Analytical Systems Contact Information

The Analytical Systems Division of Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc. offers comprehensive service for our products.

Please contact us for details.

Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc.
Analytical Systems Division
1375 North 28th Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75261

Tel: (972) 615-9322
U.S. Toll Free: (800) 548-9001

Distributors in Americas

(For the Americas area not listed below, please contact Hitachi High-Tech America directly.)

Chromabec Inc.
5475 Industrial Boulevard, P.O. BOX 410,
Waterloo, QC J0E 2N0, Canada
Toll free (Canada, US): (888) 6CHROMA
Phone: (450) 539-6486
Fax: (450) 539-6489


Quantum Analytical D.O.
Retorno 28 de Avenida del Taller, no. 18
Col. Jardín Balbuena, CP 15900, México DF
Phones:(52) 55 5768 5508
Fax:(52) 55 5764 1911

Quantum Analytical D.O.