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Evaluation by External Bodies

Evaluation by External Bodies

(As of April 2024)

Category Evaluating and Certifying Body Evaluation Results, Certification Content
Ranking Toyo Keizai Inc. the 18th Toyo Keizai CSR Ranking
(Announced in the February 10, 2024 issue of the Weekly Toyo Keizai)
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. Four -stars certification in the Fifth Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey (November 2021; five ranks based on the number of stars)
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. Three-stars certification in Nikkei SGDs Management Survey 2023 (November 2023; five ranks based on the number of stars)
Certification/Evaluation CDP*1Scores In the 2023 questionnaire , received an A- rating for climate change and an A rating for water security.
CDP Supplier Engagement Rating*2 Recognized as a CDP Supplier Engagement Leader, the highest rank, in 2022 for the second consecutive year
EcoVadis*3 Received a “Silver” rating in 2023 sustainability evaluation
Japan’s the Ministry of the Environment. The Woodlands of Hitachi High-Tech Science has been certified by the Ministry of the Environment as a Natural Symbiosis Site*4—an area where "biodiversity is protected through private initiatives".
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Health Council 2024 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization (large enterprise category) Recognition (for seven consecutive years)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Certified as FY2020 "New Diversity Management Selection 100"
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Acquired the third stage of certification in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Women's Participation Promotion Act) (commonly referred to as "Eruboshi" Certification)
J-Win Non-Profit Organization*5 Awarded the 2022 J-Win Diversity Award Basic Achievement Grand Prize
Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Awarded Platinum Kurumin certification
(Kurumin certification awarded in 2011 and 2022)
work with Pride (wwP)*6 LGBT and other indicators related to sexual minorities "PRIDE index 2020" awarded "Gold Award" (Ranked up from "PRIDE index 2019" "Silver Award")

*1 CDP: A UK-based independent non-profit organization. It receives requests from investors around the world, and investigates, evaluates, and discloses information relating to companies’ effects on climate change, water security, and forests. CDP issues scores on an eight-point scale ranging from A to D minus, with no response receiving an F.

*2 CDP Supplier Engagement rating: An evaluation of how companies effectively collaborate with suppliers to address climate change. The evaluation is based on responses to the CDP climate change questionnaire in four areas: governance, targets, scope 3 emissions, and supplier engagement.

*3 EcoVadis:EcoVadis provides holistic sustainability ratings service of companies, delivered via a global cloud-based SaaS platform.
The EcoVadis Rating covers 4 fields including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts.

*4 Natural Symbiosis Site: An area certified by the Japanese government as an area where “biodiversity is protected through private initiatives”
Certified areas are registered in international databases as “OECM'', excluding areas that overlap with protected areas.

*5 NPO Corporation J-Win: A Japanese corporate membership organization established in April 2007 to support the promotion and establishment of diversity management in companies. This organization supports the promotion of diversity management in companies by providing advice on empowering women, consulting, seminars, lectures and various surveys.

*6 work with Pride (wwP): A voluntary organization that supports diversity management for LGBT people.

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