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Hitachi High-Tech Group's Sustainability

Why We Engage in Sustainability Activities

The contemporary world faces complex global problems that present no easy solution, such as the increasing threat of climate change, pandemics and geopolitical risks.

These social problems go beyond national borders, and are therefore difficult for the governments of individual nations to resolve. Against this background, expectations on companies that have established a solid presence in the global market are increasing, and it is becoming impossible to imagine a resolution of social problems without corporate involvement. For companies, responding to these expectations will be a factor in their ability to survive, and becoming company that continues to be needed by society is also needed.

The importance of solving social issues pertaining to the “environment, resilience and safety and security” is growing more intense in the world. In light of these circumstances, we at Hitachi High-Tech believe that the need for our strengths in observation, measurement, and analysis technologies (measurement and analysis) will continue growing in the future, and that these strengths will be indispensable to solving social issues.

As our social environments change and our business opportunities grow, we will further enhance our existing focal businesses in healthcare and nanotechnology (semiconductor sectors) by furthering our integration with digital technology and our collaboration with our customers, and we will achieve sustainable growth for the next generation through three-pronged activities centered around our “core technologies and business foundations,” utilizing “front office capabilities and issue resolution capabilities” pertaining to global business expansions, and “business development capabilities” practice through customer co-creation, as well as the active use of Lumada.

Our company takes responsibility for the effect of our corporate activities on society, and we work to respond appropriately to the demands of all of our stakeholders striving to become through our business activities a company that is needed by society, contributing toward the realization of a sustainable society.

At the Hitachi High-Tech Group, sustainability means ensuring that all officers and staff share the Group’s basic philosophy and put it into practice in their corporate activities. Formulating our plans taking global goals and indices such as the SDGs and ISO 26000 (an international standard for social responsibility), we will promote group-wide sustainability activities and realize continuous growth and increased medium- and long-term corporate value, fulfilling our social responsibility as a company.

Philosophy and Policies

Basic Philosophy

Hitachi High-Tech Corporation aims to be a successful enterprise trusted by all our stakeholders and contributing to social progress through business activities that emphasize value creation through high-tech solutions. We are committed to open, transparent, and reliable business practices. As we continue to grow, we will value environmental responsibility and strive to build a prosperous community, contributing as a corporate citizen with passion and pride in our work.

Corporate Vision

Simplify our customers' high-tech processes


Our mission is to help our customers be fast-moving, successful, cutting-edge businesses

Explanatory Phrase

Our observation, measurement and analysis systems maximize yields while minimizing waste and safeguarding profit. Our processes, production systems, components and materials help our customers stay ahead of the curve.

Pyramid diagram: Hitachi High-Tech WAY

Hitachi Group Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Hitachi Group Code of Ethics and Business Conduct sets out the specific rules with which officers and employees alike should comply, from the perspective of corporate ethics and compliance.

Hitachi High-Tech Group’s "Sustainability 2030" Declaration and Materiality

In order to clarify what social issues we should address and how we can contribute to society by utilizing our business characteristics and business models to meet society's needs, our Group identified the five materiality (critical issues) that we should address through our business activities in fiscal 2018, based on the SDGs, which are positioned as common rules and goals to be achieved by the international community in the 21st century.

Our Group formulated the "Sustainability 2030" declaration in January 2022, in order to raise awareness of the need for each employee to create value from the perspective of social issues and to accelerate our efforts to address materiality. We aim to respond to changes in the social environment and continue to be a company that is needed by society.

Sustainability 2030

We, the Hitachi High-Tech Group, will contribute to the realization of "a sustainable global environment", "healthy, safe, secure lives" and "sustained development of science and industry". We will keep growing with our customers and partners by utilizing our Observation, Measurement, and Analysis systems on the basis of a sound management foundation which enables diverse human resources to actively participate and thrive.

Diagram: Hitachi High-Tech Group's Materiality
Diagram: Relationship between Materiality, Activity Goals and SDGs

The Hitachi High-Tech Group's Stakeholders

The Hitachi High-Tech Group regards customers, suppliers, employees, and the community and society as our main stakeholders. We will identify their needs and expectations through two-way dialogue with these stakeholders and will provide new value through our main business, while carrying out practical sustainability activities.

List of Stakeholders

Stakeholder Approach Communication Methods & Opportunities
Customers ・Provision of products and services that satisfy customer needs and specifications
・Provision of higher-quality and safer products
・Reinforcement of customer support
・Customer satisfaction surveys
・Support centers
・Demonstration sites
Partners (vendors and suppliers) ・Maintenance and enhancement of mutual understanding and relationships based on trust
・Collaboration with partners taking into consideration CSR and sustainability
・Periodic briefings
・CSR audits (in collaboration with Hitachi Group procurement departments)
Employees ・Respect for fundamental rights
・Development of fair labor-management relationships
・Achievement of sustainable growth of organizations and individuals
・Enhancement of Occupational Health & Safety
・Harassment consultation hotline
・Labor-management dialogue (Central Management Council, Labor-Management Experts Committee)
・Townhall meetings (dialogues between management and employees)
・Employee awareness surveys
・Various trainings
Local communities and society ・Development of relationships based on trust with local communities
・Contributions to the development of local communities
・Promotion and support for science education
・Basketball clinics
・Donations and other support

Sustainability Promotion Framework

Hitachi High-Tech holds meetings of the Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by the CEO twice annually to promote sustainability measures. The Sustainable Promotion Committee comprises the Sustainability Promotion Commissioners, who are the CEO and executive officers, along with the Sustainable Promotion Working Group formed by corporate divisions, business divisions, and others.

The Sustainability Promotion Committee formulates and deliberates on the Company’s sustainability strategies such as environmental strategies including climate change risks and the action plan drafted by the Sustainability Promotion Working Group. Major issues are reported to the Board of Directors once each year, feedback is reflected in sustainability promotion operations, and measures that incorporate the PDCA cycle are implemented.

In addition, the Hitachi High-Tech Group CSR Liaison Meeting implements Group-wide sharing of the policies and status of activities among the Hitachi Group and our Group in order to promote Group-wide sustainability activities.

Participation in Initiatives

Our Group seeks to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by actively taking part in initiatives related to sustainability.

Outside Initiatives that We Support

  • SDGs: 17 international goals for sustainable development adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015
  • TCFD: The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommends that corporations and other entities disclose information regarding climate change-related risks, opportunities, and so on.
  • TNFD: The Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures recommends that companies and organizations appropriately assess and disclose information about risks and opportunities related to natural capital and biodiversity.
  • the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity: We are participating in the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity established by Japan’s the Ministry of the Environment.
    30by30 (Thirty by Thirty) is an initiative that aims to halt the loss of biodiversity and restore it by 2030 (Nature Positive), the goal is to effectively conserve at least 30% of the land and sea as healthy ecosystems by 2030.
  • CLOMA:CLOMA (Clean Ocean Material Alliance) is an organisation established to promote the development and introduction of revolutionary alternatives to plastics that will lead to a sustainable use of plastic products and reduction of plastic waste.
  • SCC : Semiconductor Climate Consortium, a consortium of semiconductor companies established to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the semiconductor ecosystem.

Purpose and principles of SCC(Excerpt from Semiconductor Climate Consortium Agreement)

Members of the Semiconductor Climate Consortium agree to support and fulfill the terms of the following foundation statement of the Consortium:

“As Members of the Semiconductor Climate Consortium, we recognize the challenge of climate change and the role our industry can play in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our own operations, in our value chains, and in other industries through the technologies we enable.
Members are aligned on the need to drive progressive climate action within our industry, including through support of the Paris Agreement and related accords driving the 1.5°C pathway.

Members are committed to the following objectives:

  • Collaboration – Aligning on common approaches to continuously improve and reduce GHG emissions in the semiconductor industry value chain
  • Transparency – Publicly reporting progress and Scope 1, 2, & 3 GHG emissions annually according to the guidelines and principles in the GHG Protocol and alignment to key underlying assumptions
  • Ambition – Setting near-term and long-term targets in accordance with the best available science, with the aim of reaching Net Zero GHG emissions per the GHG Protocol no later than 2050

As a consortium, we will report our progress at least annually and engage with industry associations, governments, investors, customers, suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders to further our progress, and inspire others to action.”

This Agreement will serve as a basis for voluntary, collaborative efforts among Consortium Members while they work toward meeting the objectives of the foundation statement.

Stakeholder Engagement

Our aim is to build constructive and positive relationships with the various stakeholders who are involved with the company, and to further promote CSR activities.

With respect for the fundamental rights of our employees, we are continuously engaged in strengthening the structures of mutual cooperation that we have created in order to build fair labor-management relations and to improve occupational safety and health.

We engage in environmental conservation through planning of volunteering projects and actively participating in local volunteering.

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