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Respect for Human Rights

Basic Approach

In April 2014, the Group formulated the Hitachi High-Tech Group Human Rights Policy. This policy clearly states that we support the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. It stipulates that the Group will conduct human rights due diligence*1 and provide appropriate education based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and will comply with the laws and regulations of the regions and countries where we do business. Furthermore, it states that where there is a conflict between internationally accepted standards of human rights and domestic law, we will pursue the approach that respects international principles of human rights. Based on this policy, we respect not only the human rights of Group employees, but also those of all stakeholders through the Group's business activities and our products and services.

*1 Human rights due diligence:
The practice of identifying, evaluating, and addressing the impact of business activities on human rights, implementing measures to prevent, mitigate, and/or relieve any negative impacts, and conducting ongoing verification and disclosure of the effects of such measures


Our Group has established a Compliance Committee chaired by the executive officer in charge of compliance risk management to address the various risks related to compliance, including human rights. Under the Compliance Committee, each department concerned that belongs to the Human Resources and General Affairs Division engages in studying and promoting measures to address matters of hiring, training, harassment prevention, and so on relating to respect for human rights, while coordinating with the departments in charge of human rights at Hitachi, Ltd.


Human Rights Due Diligence

We pledge to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights through the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Human rights due diligence includes identifying and evaluating potential or actual impacts on human rights, and taking steps to prevent or mitigate risks. Hitachi High-Tech will continuously verify the effectiveness of these steps to effectively deal with the effects and risks related to human rights. Specifically, we periodically investigate compliance risks that are of concern, and include human rights issues and labor issues in the scope of our investigations. In the unfortunate event of a problem arising, we hold a special meeting and deliberate over conducting a factual survey, a causal investigation, corrective measures, and measures to prevent recurrence, etc.

Elimination of Forced Labor and Child Labor

We employ personnel based on the laws of each country and region while following international norms. In particular, we do not use child labor, which is the employment of children below the minimum working age, or coerced labor, which is against the will of the workers.

Promotion of Human Rights Awareness Training

Under the Hitachi High-Tech Group Human Rights Policy, we hold five seminars and more than ten human rights awareness training courses (primarily rank-specific training courses) each year in order to provide staff with an accurate and profound understanding of the essential nature of human rights, as well as fostering a widespread awareness and culture of respect for human rights. In addition, every three years, we conduct an e-Learning-based training program for the whole workforce.

As globalization of corporations proceeds, we come to face various types of human rights issues including child labor and forced labor. Therefore, we have strengthened our perspective on business and human rights since FY2014 to respect the human rights of each and every stakeholder involved with the corporations and deepen understanding toward working in business with a viewpoint that includes human rights considerations.

Those responsible for hiring periodically participate in training conducted by Public employment service. They use this training to promote activities by comparing the state of affairs at their own company.

Details of Human Rights Awareness Training (FY2022)
Item Details Participation/Attendance
Rank-specific training Continuous implementation of human rights awareness and harassment prevention training for new employees, new supervisors, mid-level employees, new mangers, and new general managers Total of 890 persons
e-Learning Implementation of e-learning on harassment for all employees (November) Total of 5,225 persons

Coordinating with Human Rights Groups and Initiatives

The Hitachi Group endorses the goals of organizations that aim to resolve human rights issues, and takes part in various initiatives as a member or supporting member.

Mechanisms for Address Human Rights Related Complaints

Establishment of a Harassment Consultation Service
We have established an internal consultation service to facilitate a swift response in the event of workplace harassment or a complaint from an employee. The basic principles of this service are protection of the privacy of those concerned and the maintenance of confidentiality. In addition, employees can access EAPs* and whistleblower reporting services via specialist external organizations that we have contracted to provide such services.

Number of consultations with outside contact points for harassment-related matters
  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of consultations and resolutions 14 6 5 3 3

* EAP (Employee Assistance Program): A program providing mental health support to employees

In case any problems arise in the course of our business activities, we have set up forms on our website to enable all types of inquiries from outside the company. If we receive a report, we deal with it as appropriate, together with the relevant division.

Eliminating Discrimination

Under the Hitachi High-Tech Group Human Rights Policy, the company aims to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights by never infringing on them and by dealing with adverse impacts on human rights when conducting business and transactions. We treat the human rights stated in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as minimum requirements. The responsibility to respect human rights applies to all officers and employees of the company and its consolidated subsidiaries.

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