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  6. Auto Capture for Array Tomography ACAT

Auto Capture for Array Tomography ACAT


Automated Image Acquisition System for Serial Section Analysis

ACAT automatically adjusts, aligns, and captures a specific region of interest (ROI) across multiple serial sections. Images are automatically acquired by specifying a ROI from a low-magnification SEM image or specifying the intercept position from an optical image/overlay.

Samples Courtesy of:
Dr. Daisuke Koga,
Asahikawa Medical University
Dr. Satoshi Kusumi,
Kagoshima University


  • Import and easily identify a region of interest from an optical image
  • Correlate optical data with low-magnification SEM images to target ROI with high precision
  • Simplify and automate imaging of subsequent sections by creating a unique indicator tag for the ROI using the first acquisition
  • Correct rotation changes as well as section irregularities (compression, tears, etc.) by using integrated image processing in order to reduce deviation in the field of view and achieve artifact mitigation with increased accuracy
Samples Courtesy of:
Dr. Daisuke Koga,
Asahikawa Medical University
Dr. Satoshi Kusumi,
Kagoshima University

This group of approximately 60 sections mounted on a glass slide were captured by SEM and superimposed on an optical image.
The position of each section and the specified ROI were registered and displayed on the screen,
whereafter the highresolution SEM images were automatically captured.

observation case

Number of shots: 117 shots
Slice pitch: 70 nm
3D Reconstruction Software: Image-Pro Premier 3D
(Media Cybernetics Inc.)

Samples Courtesy of : Dr. Daisuke Koga,
Asahikawa Medical University
Ultra-thin Sectioning: ARTOS manufactured
by Leica Microsystems


Main Specifications

Number of specified sections Up to 400 sheets
Number of shots in a single section Up to 400 sheets
Captured image resolution 640 x 480, 1,280 x 960, 2,560 x 1,920, 5,120 x 3,640 pixels
Photographed image format BMP, TIFF, JPEG

An operating computer that meets the following specifications is required separately.

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