Balls of Duckweed
These balls are magnetic particles of about 1 micron in diameter attached on carbon paste. These balls produce specific color by selective light reflection due to optical interference. They are called stratified particles. The picture was recorded using a 200 kV SEM. These stratified particles look like balls of duckweed growing in the bottom of a fresh water lake under the sunshine.
At 55th photo contest hosted by the Japanese Society of Electron Microscopy in 1999.
Specimen : Stratified particles used for toner of copy machines
Instrument : Ultra-thin Film Evaluation System HD-2000
Accelerating voltage : 200 kV
Specimen : Courtesy of Professor Kazuyuki Tohji (Tohoku University)
*All information related to these photographers is based on the information when the photo was taken.
*This work was presented at the "photo contest" hosted by the Japanese Society
of Microscopy.
*Reproduction or republication without permission prohibited.
*"nanoart" is registered trademark of Hitachi High-Tech Corporation in Japan.