Neuron's "Newton" Apple
An electron micrograph of a quick-freeze deep-etch replica of bovine cerebellum was taken with Hitachi H-7650 TEM at X 25,000, accelerating voltage 120 kV and pseudo-colored by using Photoshop®. The replica of cerebellum was imaged with high-contrast and contained some spherical structures, in which we found a small vesicle like an apple. This image reminded us of an episode that the great physicist, Isaac Newton, discovered the Law of Universal Gravitation when he saw apples drop from the tree. It is easily imaginable that the flash across his mind might have electrically stimulated his central nervous system and to develop the complicated structure with neurons, as shown in this micrograph. The apple of neuron might be something new in the field of TEM. Seeing is believing.
At 60th photo contest hosted by the Japanese Society of Microscopy (8APEM) in 2004.
Specimen: Quick-frozen deep etched replica of bovine cerebellum
Instrument: Transmission Electron Microscope H-7650
Magnification: × 25,000
Accelerating voltage: 120 kV
Specimen: Courtesy of Professor Eisaku Katayama (The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo)
*All information related to these photographers is based on the information when the photo was taken.
*This work was presented at the "photo contest" hosted by the Japanese Society
of Microscopy.
*Reproduction or republication without permission prohibited.
*"nanoart" is registered trademark of Hitachi High-Tech Corporation in Japan.
*Adobe and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.