Nano Univers
Bismuth oxide particles for additive of glassware embedded in resin were prepared by the NB5000 FIB system, in which SEM images of its milled surface were observed by FE-SEM equipped with NB5000 and its surface was continuously milled using the "Mill&Monitor" function. Serially milled images (about 200 SEM images) were reconstructed by the Avizo. This tomogram looks like asteroids floating in space, "Nano Universe".
1st Prize. At 65th photo contest hosted by the Japanese Society of Microscopy in 2009.
Specimen: bismuth oxide
Instrument: Focused Ion /Electron Beam System nanoDUE'T NB5000
Accelerating voltage: FIB 40 kV, SEM 5 kV
*All information related to these photographers is based on the information when the photo was taken.
*This work was presented at the "photo contest" hosted by the Japanese Society
of Microscopy.
*Reproduction or republication without permission prohibited.
*"nanoart" is registered trademark of Hitachi High-Tech Corporation in Japan.